Ekadashi Observance in September 2023
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Ekadashi Observance in September 2023


Ekadashi is a significant observance in the Hindu tradition that falls on the 11th day of every lunar fortnight. Devotees fast on this day to seek blessings and cleanse their body and soul. September 2023 will witness two Ekadashi dates, each with its own significance and rituals. Let’s delve deeper into the observance of Ekadashi in September 2023 and understand the rituals associated with it.

Understanding Ekadashi

Ekadashi holds immense importance in the Hindu calendar as it is believed to be a day when the mind is more inclined towards spirituality and religious practices. Fasting on Ekadashi is considered auspicious as it helps in purifying the body and mind. It is believed that by observing the fast with dedication and sincerity, one can seek forgiveness for past sins and attain spiritual growth.

Ekadashi Observance in September 2023

  1. Padmanabha Ekadashi (September 3, 2023):
  2. Padmanabha Ekadashi falls on the 11th day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) in the month of Bhadrapada. This Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, specifically to Lord Padmanabha.
  3. Devotees observe a day-long fast and engage in prayers and rituals to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu. The fast begins on the previous day (Dashami) and ends on the day of Ekadashi after the sunrise.
  4. Performing puja, reciting Vishnu Sahasranama, and visiting Vishnu temples are common practices on this Ekadashi. Charity and donations are also considered auspicious on this day.

  5. Parivartini Ekadashi (September 18, 2023):

  6. Parivartini Ekadashi falls on the 11th day of the Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon) in the month of Bhadrapada. This Ekadashi marks the beginning of the Chaturmas period.
  7. Devotees observe a fast and engage in prayers to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu. The fast begins on the previous day and ends on the day of Ekadashi as per the prescribed rituals.
  8. Meditation, recitation of Vishnu mantras, and performing charity are considered meritorious deeds on this Ekadashi. It is believed that observing this Ekadashi with devotion can help in attaining salvation.

Significance of Ekadashi Observance

  • Spiritual Cleansing: Fasting on Ekadashi is believed to cleanse the body and mind of impurities, paving the way for spiritual growth.
  • Atonement for Sins: Observing Ekadashi with sincerity is said to help in seeking forgiveness for past sins and leading a virtuous life.
  • Blessings of Lord Vishnu: Ekadashi fasts are dedicated to Lord Vishnu, and seeking his blessings on this auspicious day is considered highly beneficial for devotees.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can pregnant women observe Ekadashi fasts?
A1: Pregnant women or individuals with health conditions are advised to consult a healthcare provider before observing Ekadashi fasts. They can choose to participate in the observance in a modified manner or through alternative rituals.

Q2: What should one eat during Ekadashi fasts?
A2: Devotees usually consume satvik food such as fruits, nuts, dairy products, vegetables, and grains like sago during Ekadashi fasts. Avoiding grains and non-vegetarian food is common during this time.

Q3: Is it necessary to stay awake all night during Ekadashi?
A3: Staying awake all night (Jagran) is a common practice among devotees on Ekadashi. While it is not mandatory, staying vigilant and engaged in prayers is considered beneficial.

Q4: Can children participate in Ekadashi observance?
A4: Children can participate in Ekadashi observance under parental guidance. Fasting can be introduced gradually as per their age and health conditions.

Q5: How does Ekadashi benefit one spiritually?
A5: Ekadashi is believed to enhance spiritual growth, promote self-discipline, and foster a sense of devotion towards the divine. It is considered a powerful day for seeking blessings and atonement for shortcomings.


Observing Ekadashi in September 2023 provides an opportunity for devotees to strengthen their spiritual practices, seek blessings, and cleanse their inner selves. The two Ekadashi dates in September offer a chance to deepen one’s connection with the divine and embrace a path of righteousness. By understanding the significance of Ekadashi and following the prescribed rituals with devotion, one can experience the profound impact of this sacred observance in their lives.

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